Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Book Review: "Generations at Work"

One of my library patrons recently checked out "Generations at Work" by Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, and Bob Filipczak. The book was returned with a note that said "Good Book...unfortunately it doesn't look well used". I have also perused this book and would agree with this patron. "Generations at Work" outlines four generations that are currently in the workforce; Veterans(1922-1943), Baby Boomers(1943-1960), Xers(1961-1980) and Nexters(1980-2000). General traits of each generation are discussed as well as strategies to consider using when interacting with co-workers from each of the generational groups. The book also discusses how to have a strong cross-generational workplace. A must read for anyone who is looking to improve workplace communication and harmony. If you would like to check out this book, contact Deb Knippel at 65091 or

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