Wednesday, September 9, 2009

FOCUS ON DIABETES from Lippincott Nursing Center

From Lisa M. Bonsall, MSN, RN, CRNP,Clinical Editor,

As nurses, many of us come into contact with patients with diabetes on a daily basis. According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, in 2007, there were 23.6 million people with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in the United States. That's about 8% of the population.
While compiling our Diabetic Resource Page, I discovered one treatment approach which really struck a chord with me. It involves using empowerment-based strategies. The strategies associated with this method are truly patient-centered, and since many diabetic patients provide 99% of their own care, I found it worth reading about!

I hope this resource proves helpful to you as well. Perhaps you're interested in learning new strategies for diabetic management or need to brush up on pathophysiology. Maybe you're a diabetic educator who'd like to read about successful programs, a critical care nurse who'd like more information about DKA, or a wound care specialist who manages diabetic foot ulcers. No matter your role, you're bound to find something of interest in this collection. Let us know what you think!

Thank you and enjoy your day!

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